Muscatine County ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Join Our ARES Team! ARES ID# 139IAØ1 Phone: 563-506-0304
Your help is needed in times of emergency to provide emergency communications for Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar Counties, as well as our surrounding counties. ARES is an ARRL affiliated organization, but you do not have to be a member of the ARRL to be a member of the Muscatine, Louisa, Cedar or Scott County Amateur Radio Emergency Service.
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.
ARES can be activated before, during, or after an emergency. Generally, ARES handles all emergency messages, including those between government emergency management officials.
To register with ARES, complete ARRL Form FSD-98 and send, or give it to your local EC - Emergency Coordinator. The EC for Muscatine & Cedar Counties is Scott Richardson - NØMRZ, the Assistant ECs are Dave Metz - WAØAUQ, Patrick Dickey - WØPCD or Wayland Gray - KI6KIB (Muscatine Co), Contact Michael Hafner - WØHAF (Louisa Co). Contact Cory Ryan - KFØCVR for (Scott County). We need your contact information, information about any special training you have, license class, and a list of the FEMA training courses completed, equipment and the modes you can operate.
If you have an amateur radio license, are interested in amateur radio public service communications, and want to make a commitment to help our community in their time of need, Then this is the organization for you! By joining ARES we can achieve that goal.
Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national organization is eligible to apply for membership in ARES. Training may be required or desired to participate fully in ARES. Please inquire with the Muscatine ARES EC for specific information. ARES is an Amateur Radio program, therefor, only licensed radio amateurs are eligible for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable, but is not a requirement.
As a member Muscatine, Louisa or Cedar County ARES you will get the opportunity to train and take part in non-emergency training drill scenarios that might include:
Railroad derailment - HazMat Spills
Flash floods
Plane crashes
Hill slides
Search and Rescue operations
The mission of the Muscatine, Louisa & Cedar County Amateur Radio Emergency Service®, Inc. is to provide reliable and alternate communications to our served agencies in times of emergency, disaster, or national crisis. This is accomplished through the training of ARES® volunteers in communication procedures, national operational procedures as required by FEMA (ICS, NIMS) and the development of the technical skills necessary to complete their communication missions under a variety of situations, including adverse communication conditions.
The emergency planning VHF simplex frequency for District 5, Muscatine & Louisa County ARES is 146.445, see the map on the Resources page to find out the frequencies designated to other Iowa Counties. Our UHF simplex frequency is 446.445.
Thank you for your consideration,
C. Scott Richardson - NØMRZ
Muscatine County Emergency Coordinator
146.445 Emergency Planning Simplex Channel
Cell: 563-506-0304
AREDN Mesh PBX: 563-9201
Form FSD-98
Emergency Channel
Muscatine / Louisa
146.445 - VHF
446.445 - UHF
Meetings are held at 7:00pm on the 4th Monday of each month at MCC, Muscatine campus in Strahan Hall, Room 8, as well as on Zoom. It is an open meeting and all are invited to attend. Send an email to get on the invite list.
The Muscatine County ARES team has a quick net on the 146.985 Wapello, IA repeater at 8:45pm on Sunday evenings, followed by an "On-The-Air" net / meeting on the 146.910 - MARC repeater at 9:00pm every Sunday evening. That is immediately followed by a simplex net on our emergency frequency of 146.445. All licensed amateurs are welcome (and encouraged) to check in to all nets.
The Washington County ARES team has their "On-The-Air" net on Monday nights on the 147.045 WAARC repeater at 7:30pm, or immediately following the weekly WAARC 2 meter net.
ARES - Membership Roster
Muscatine & Cedar County Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Our Team Members
C Scott Richardson - NØMRZ
EC - Emergency Coordinator
Muscatine & Cedar County, IA.
VE - NWS Spotter
Wilton, IA. - First licensed as KBØHQV in the early 90's, and upgraded to a Tech Plus shortly after. Heavily involved in RACES in Kansas as a weather spotter for the National Weather Service. Was an active member of RACES, and a tornado chaser in South Central Kansas for 7-1/2 years. Now a General tasked with starting an ARES unit here in his hometown of Muscatine, Iowa.
Cell: 563-506-0304
Dave Metz - WAØAUQ
AEC - Asst. EC - Muscatine Co
Equipment Systems
Muscatine, IA - If Dave can't fix it.... it AIN'T Broke. If he can't build it... you don't need it. Dave is our Go-To guy on all things radio!
Larry Kemper - WAØVUS
Volunteer Examiner - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA. - If you have seen Larry's place North of Muscatine, then you know he is serious about Amateur Radio. Larry's place has been the location of the MARC Field Day in the past. Other than amateur radio, Larry's other passion is building miniature steam/compressed air engines.
Eric Yerington - KFØKMB
Member - Muscatine, Co.
Muscatine, IA. - Eric was first licensed in October of 2022, and once the "ham bug" bit him, it bit hard. He earned his general ticket two months later and his extra in February of 2023. Now Eric is a volunteer examiner and runs our ARES net on the first Monday of each month. When he's not on-the-air, he teaches at McKinley Elementary School in Muscatine. Eric enjoys biking, working on his computer, and reading besides radio!
Maile Gray - KI6KHT
Volunteer Examiner - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA. - Maile is the wife of Wayland - KI6KIB and we are lucky to have her as a member of our ARES team. She is an Extra Class operator and we look forward to working with you Maile!
Jon Ericson - KBØVK
Volunteer Examiner - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA. - Jon is the guy that is you can depend on to man his post and stay on task. Jon loves communications and you can hear him on the air regularly on HF, UHF and VHF . Jon loves Contesting.
George Barbour - N8GAB
Member - Muscatine, Co.
Atalissa, IA. -
Nicole Hewitt - ABØRU
Member - Muscatine, Co.
Wilton, IA. -
Mike Brogly - KFØKVQ
Member - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA. - Mike is a relatively new ham, but with many years training as a first responder
. Trained as a “spotter”, and with his new skills is ready to put them into action.
Jeff Wachtel - KFØJRY
Member - Muscatine, Co.
Fruitland, IA. -
Wayland Gray - KI6KIB
AEC - Asst. EC - Muscatine Co.
VE - Fundraising Coordinator
Muscatine, IA - Wayland cames to us shortly after relocating back to the Muscatine area from California, where he was an Emergency Coordinator for ARES. Wayland brings knowledge to our team and is able to share with us some of his experiences. Welcome to the team Wayland!
Bruce Dagel - WBØGAG
VE Coordinator - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA - Bruce is our ARRL VEC Coordinator. He holds license exams on a bi-monthly basis. Bruce is an extra class amateur radio operator with a lot of experience and loves to geocache too!
Brad Soule - WBØTSG
Lutheran Homes Coordinator
- Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter - Treasurer
Muscatine, IA - Brad is very active in the amateur radio. He takes on the duties of the Treasurer for MARC & ARES, as well as Net Control for the weekly "On-Air" service net each Sunday evening. Brad is retired from Lutheran Homes and is our ARES liaison for their HARMS program to provide emergency communications.
William "Bill" Coulter - KC8TWZ
Member - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA. - Bill was heavily involved in emergency services as a ham while residing in the state of Michigan. Bill is committed to helping establish an active ARES unit here in Muscatine, and spent the first year serving as an AEC. Bill has extensive training in disaster management, and his knowledge will serve us well in the area of training and being prepared.
Kiel Colvin - KFØFZF
Member - Muscatine, Co.
Montpelier, IA. -
Keith Gray - KDØVWH
Member - Muscatine, Co.
Muscatine, IA. -
Harry DeBourcy - NØBKG
Member - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Fairport, IA. - We welcome Harry to our team. He joined at the first meeting of the Muscatine County ARES group. He is not however new to amateur radio. Look forward to working with you Harry!
Oliver Hewitt - KFØJYA
Member - Muscatine, Co.
Wilton, IA. -
John Teed - KFØDCV
Member - Muscatine, Co.
Muscatine, IA. -
Ken Brooks - N1KEB
Member - Muscatine, Co.
West Liberty, IA. -
Patrick Dickey - WØPCD
AEC - Asst. EC - Muscatine Co
AREDN Network Coordinator
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA - Patrick obtained his license by testing at one of our first test sessions. Patrick is a valuable part of our team, he handles a lot of our IT, AREDN and AX.25 . Thank you for becoming an amateur radio operator and joining our team.
Owen McCormick - KØOCM
SKYWARN Coordinator
- Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA - Owen joined our group as a studying Technician. Owen is an active weather spotter and makes a great addition to the team by bringing those skills to the group as our SKYWARN Coordinator.
Bob Weatherman - KDØSVH
Member - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA. - Bob is an experienced amateur radio that will be a great asset in the moving of traffic, He is frequently on HF and his talents should be of great help when disaster strikes. Bob is a great spokesperson for the team.
Don Blake - KDØDTD
Member - Muscatine, Co.
NWS Spotter
Muscatine, IA. - We welcome Don to our team. Don has been an active amateur radio operator for many years. He is always at the meeting and the first one to offer to help us get what we need during our active times.
Chris Benner - KB9ATT
Member - Muscatine, Co.