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Muscatine County ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Our Served Agencies                                                              ARES ID# 139IAØ1

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SERVED AGENCIES - Muscatine County, Iowa

The following are locations where operators will be needed for the Muscatine County ARES team, the following will need to be manned in the event of a natural or man-made disaster where phone, cell phone and internet service are disabled: (tactical callsign in red)

1. EMCOMM-1 - Mobile Emergency Operations Center - Trailer to be manned by a minimum of two licensed amateurs with UHF/VHF/HF capabilities. (General license or above x 2) - HF Go Box w/ digital data modes - UHF/VHF already installed. Primary location: Mark Twain Overlook, Secondary location: 4th Street Park.

2. MUSCOM Emergency Communications Truck - (Chris Jasper - Director of Emergency Services) Truck to be manned by a minimum of one licensed amateur with UHF/VHF capabilities. (Tech license or above) - UHF/VHF already installed.

Muscatine County/City Public Safety Building (have MOU)        Have 26' Emergency Communication Center

215 Sycamore Street                                                                            Have 2m / 440 radio in Ecomm truck

Muscatine, IA  52761                                                                            Need radio in 911 center

Contact: Chris Jasper

   Director of Emergency Services

Office: 563-264-6003

Cell: 563-299-8026


3. SALVATION ARMY BASE - 1000 Oregon Street / Muscatine, IA. - (Lt. Cristian Lopez-Corps Officer / Dr. Malcolm-Emergency Disaster Service Supervisor) Facility to be manned with a minimum of one licensed amateur with UHF/VHF capabilities. (Tech license or above) - SALVATION MOBILE - They DO NOT have radio communication with their truck, an operator will need to shadow the driver with a minimum of one licensed amateur with UHF/VHF portable (H/T) capabilities. (Tech license or above) - SALVATION ARMY SHELTER - Additional operator needed if satellite facility opened. Have emergency power available? Need for external antenna? - UHF/VHF Go Box (x 2 ?)


The Salvation Army (have MOU)                                                 They have No radio between Oregon St and their Truck

1000 Oregon Street                                                                             Need operator / station at Oregon St to talk to Public 

Muscatine, IA  52761                                                                           Need operator / station if they add additional shelters

Contact: Lieutenant NEED                                                                   Need operator to shadow driver of mobile truck

    Corps Officer

Office: 563-263-8272


Fax: 563-263-762

Email: Needed

4. WX1NWS - (have MOU) - Davenport, Iowa. Operator in place?


National Weather Service Quad Cities (have MOU)   Have operator on duty during deployment,

9050 N Harrison Street                                                                         

Davenport, IA 52806

Contact: Doug Decherd - KC9HGP


563-386-3976 (main)

309-236-1654 (cell)

Central Region (KC): 816-374-5463

5. FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency (have MOU)  Contact - MUSCOM

        All FEMA communications to go through Chris Jasper - Muscatine County Director of Emergency Services

6. American RED CROSS (have MOU)  - No office in Muscatine at this time. No Local responders. If available, need to be shadowed with a licensed amateur with UHF/VHF capabilities. (Tech license or above) - H/T + batteries. Shelter at Calvary Church at 501 Highway 61 in Muscatine. North end of facility. (Super Shelter)

American Red Cross (have MOU)

1100 River Drive

Moline, IL  61265

Contact: Doug Decherd - KC9HGP

Phone: 309-743-2166 (main)

Phone: 309-236-1654 (cell)


7. LUTHERAN LIVING (have MOU) - Need new MOU with current Administrative Director. Operator Brad - WBØTSG is the liaison for this served agency. He needs to be stationed at this facility if available. Brad has his own equipment for this location. If a different operator is sent to this location, he will need a VHF mobile station or an H/T with external antenna. This is a nursing home and assisted living facility.

Lutheran Living

2421 Lutheran Drive

Muscatine, IA 52761

Contact: Kirk Sears - Maintenance

563-263-1241 (Main)

563-506-1869 (cell)

8. ASPIRE (need MOU signed) This is a nursing home with short and long term services.

Aspire of Muscatine

2002 Cedar Street

Muscatine, IA 52761

Contact: Needed

563-264-2023 (main)


Email: Needed

9. PREMIER ESTATES (need MOU signed) Offers skilled nursing and rehabilitation services. Nursing home and Independent living facilities.

Premier Estates of Muscatine

3440 Mulberry Avenue

Muscatine, IA. 52761

Contact: Needed

563-263-2194 (main)


Email: Needed

10. SIMPSON WEST LIBERTY (need MOU signed) Provides long term nursing, assisted and independent living, has demensia unit.

Simpson Memorial Home, Inc.

1000 N Miller Street

West Liberty, IA  52776

Contact: Needed

319-627-4775 (main)


Email: Needed

11. SIMPSON WILTON (need MOU signed) Provides long term nursing, assisted and independent living, has dementia unit.


Simpson Memorial Home, Inc.

307 Oveson Drive

Wilton, IA. 52778

Contact: Needed

563-732-5067 (main)


Email: Needed

12. Trinity's Security Department can handle their own communications to the Public Safety Building, and has the equipment to send their own personnel and radio equipment to be able to handle their own traffic between facilities. TRINITY Hospital / UNITY CLINIC Clinic- 1518 Mulberry Ave. / Muscatine, IA. - (Security) Facility has own radio communications with MusCom, and has own radio equipment to be able to send their own operator to UNITY NORTH PORT - urgent care facility at 3426 N. Port Drive, #100 as well. No operators needed.

Trinity Hospital (need MOU)

1518 Mulberry Avenue

Muscatine, Iowa  527641

Contact: N/A


Email: Need

Satellite: UnityPoint Clinic, 3426 N. Port Drive, #100, Muscatine, Iowa  52761

13. MPW - Facility to be manned with a minimum of one licensed amateur with UHF/VHF capabilities. No need for external antenna. Emergency power is available available (Tech license or above) - UHF/VHF Go Box. (They are rebuilding their Comm Center and an operating position and equipment will be provided once the project is completed).


Muscatine Power & Water - Electricity (need MOU)      No need to install antenna and feedline on location

3205 Cedar Street

Muscatine, Iowa  52761

Contact: Ryan Streck - Control Center Manager

Phone: 563-262-3471



14. DURANT, IA. - (Contact Needed) - Need information for municipal electric utility company serving that area. Need information for gas utility company serving that area. Have emergency power available? (Tech license or above) - UHF/VHF Go Box


15. WILTON, IA. - (Contact Needed) - Need information for electric utility company, (Eastern Iowa Light & Power - ITC/Iowa City) serving that area. Need information for gas utility company serving that area. Have emergency power available? (Tech license or above) - UHF/VHF Go Box


16. STOCKTON, IA. - (Contact Needed) - Need information for municipal electric utility company, (Interstate Power & Light) serving that area. Need information for gas utility company serving that area. Have emergency power available? (Tech license or above) - UHF/VHF Go Box


17. WEST LIBERTY, IA - (Contact Needed) - Need information for municipal electric utility company serving that area. Need information for gas utility company serving that area. Have emergency power available? (Tech license or above) - UHF/VHF Go Box


18. RURAL Muscatine County - (Contact Needed) - Need information for electric utility company (Alliant Energy?) serving that area. Need information for gas utility company serving that area. (Tech license or above) - UHF/VHF Mobile

The Police/Fire/Ambulance in the towns of Atalissa, Blue Grass, Fruitland, Conesville, Nichols and Stockton have radio contact directly through MusComm (Public Safety Building). Health and Welfare Services for those areas are handled through the entities already served in Muscatine.

The Police/Fire/Ambulance in the towns of West Liberty, Fruitland, Wilton, Durant, Atalissa, Blue Grass, Conesville, Nichols and Stockton have radio contact directly through MUSCOM (Public Safety Building). Health and Welfare Services for those areas are handled through the entities already served in Muscatine.

? Alliant Energy - 215 Oak St. / Muscatine, IA. - (Contact Needed) Facility to be manned with a minimum of one licensed amateur with UHF/VHF capabilities. Have emergency power available? (Tech license or above) - UHF/VHF Go Box

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