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Muscatine County ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Meetings, Nets & Frequencies ARES ID# 139IAØ1
Muscatine, Cedar & Louisa County ARES Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Muscatine County ARES group is held the 4th Monday of the month at MCC in Muscatine, Strahan Hall in room 8. It is also on Zoom at 7:00pm, and continues until completion. Contact Scott - NØMRZ to get an invite. This is an open meeting, and anyone can attend!
Section-wide Frequencies
Iowa ARES Traffic and Emergency Net (ITEN)
3970.0 kHz
7235.0 kHz
Iowa RACES Net
3990.5 kHz
7250.0 kHz
Iowa ARES Digital Net
3.588.5 MHz (center frequency) USB with 1500 Hz set on the WF - Tuesdays @ 7:00pm.
7114.0 kHz (center frequency)
Iowa ARES Traffic Nets

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