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DX Engineering Skype Event: April 24 ARES Meeting

DX Engineering's Cory Gibson - W3CDG is putting together a program specifically for the Muscatine County ARES group. It will be on Emergency Communications and will be presented to our group at the April 24th meeting at the Muscatine Mall. The meeting starts at 6:30pm, and the program will start LIVE at 7:00pm CST. More information to come as it becomes available! All members of Muscatine County ARES should plan to attend. Contact EC - Scott Richardson - NØMRZ for more information!

Cory works at DX Engineering ( And ham radio has very quickly become a major part of his life! He is also Vice-President of the Mercer County Amateur Radio Club where he runs the email server and website.

Cory is the current Emergency Coordinator and Radio Officer for Mercer County and participates in many drills for emergency communications.

He doesn't do many contests, but he said he enjoyed field day and the PAQSO Party, so look for him there!

When he's not working, or playing with electronics and radios, he can be found with his wife Laura (N3BSN) and their 4 Siberian Huskies out in the woods, or canoeing on a river or lake in Canada.

Club Meetings

We meet the second Monday evening of each month at 7:00 pm. 

Our meetings are held at:

Pizza Ranch

106 Ford Avenue

Muscatine, IA 52761

Show up around 6:15-6:30 pm to eat before the meeting. This is an "OPEN" meeting. All are invited to attend.

Club Repeater - KC0AQS

The KC0AQS/R 146.31/91 repeater located at the Muscatine Community College campus.

The repeater is an open access machine for the use of all licensed amateurs.

The repeater requires 192.8 Hz CTCSS for access.
Weekly net every Sunday at 8:30 pm Local Time. Please check in and meet the local hams.

Weekly Club Net

Weekly net every Sunday at 8:30 pm Local Time. Please check in and meet the local hams on the 146.910 repeater.

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