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River City Amateur Radio Swap Meet

1st Annual
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Sunday ~ May 6, 2018
Amateur Radio Swap Meet
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Indoor Tables are $10 each (All include electricity)
Muscatine Mall
19Ø3 Park Avenue  |  Muscatine, Iowa
Indoor Flea Market / Commercial Vendors Welcome
Talk in Repeaters:
146.31 / 146.91, 192.8 Hz CTCSS  &  Echolink KCØAQS-R
For more information email to:
Scott - NØMRZ

This event is not intended to be an actual Hamfest. As I see it we can all claim this event as a swapmeet. It is the intention that each area amateur radio organization that wishes to participate will print off fliers and promote this event with the amateur radio operators in their own area as if it were their own event. If there is any money left over after the facility and table/chair rent is paid for, then it will be split up by the participating clubs or organizations that participated.

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